Complete the general education courses for your degree with Gateway Education. Take as many college courses as you would like for only $95 per month and choose your courses below for only $55 per course. All Gateway Education courses are 100% online, ACE recommended and transferable to Southern California University of Health Sciences.
Available Courses
American Government
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College Credits: 3
This course covers American Government, both past and present. Many Americans, when asked, “Why study and understand our government?” respond that it is uninteresting. Yet our political system is a stimulating subject. People fight and die for political principles. Our government addresses the most foundational aspects in your life – your personal safety, the purity of your food, your education, and your ability to voice your opinion. Understanding our government without relating its concepts to our contemporary world does make government challenging to comprehend. We take democracy for granted, yet it has taken generations for it to mature. While most of us realize that government is compulsory, people have asked elementary questions about the institution of government for centuries. What is the correct function of government? Why or where did diverse forms of government originate? What is the paramount form of a nation’s government to serve its citizens? Why are some governments legitimate and others illegitimate? Perhaps the next time you are in line waiting to vote, take time for contemplation. Why am I voting? Not all peoples have had, or have, the right to vote. Is government really essential? How does government influence my life?
American Literature
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College Credits: 3
The American Literature Course surveys prose and poetry written in the United States from colonial times to the present. It emphasizes fiction and poetry and is primarily a presentation of knowledge about literary works—their content, their backgrounds, and their authors—but it also is concerned about and requires familiarity with the concepts and terminology used by literary critics and literary historians.
One should survey American literature and its basic literary periods to gain a sense of the historical development of American literature, while making personal observations and analysis. Traditional American writings will be selected from a diverse group of authors and will be presented and analyzed to gain an understanding of how American authors influenced the heritage of the United States.
Beer and Wine in Western Culture
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College Credits: 3
This course examines the role of beer and wine in Western Culture. Students will learn a brief history of beer and wine, as well as how it is made. Students will develop an understanding of beer and wine varieties and how they should taste. We will also cover food pairings for beer and wine styles.
College Algebra
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College Credits: 3
College Algebra is a college-level algebra course for non-mathematics majors. In this course, students will become familiar with currently taught algebraic vocabulary, symbols, and notation and will learn to solve both routine problems requiring basic algebraic skills and non-routine problems that demonstrate their understanding of concepts. The subject matter of this course includes number systems and operations, algebraic operations, equations and inequalities, and functions and their properties.
College Mathematics
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College Credits: 3
College Mathematics is a college-level mathematics course for non-mathematics majors and majors in fields not requiring knowledge of advanced mathematics. In this course, students will become familiar with currently taught mathematics vocabulary, symbols, and notation and will learn to solve both routine problems and non-routine problems that require the application of skills and concepts. The subject matter of this course includes sets and logic, number theory, geometry, algebra and functions, graphs, probability, statistics, and financial mathematics.
Developmental Psychology
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College Credits: 3
Students will learn the concepts, principles, theories and applications associated with the study of the life span, conception through death. Emphasis areas include genetics, prenatal development, childbirth, infancy, toddlerhood, early and middle childhood, adolescence, and early, middle and late adulthood, as well as death and dying. Overarching ideas throughout different time periods of the life span will be studied, and knowledge of how development during one period may affect later periods will be learned.
English Composition 1
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College Credits: 3
A one semester equivalent course in freshman level English Composition 1 that introduces the principles of writing with emphasis on writing process, thesis, content, organization, purpose, and audience. It focuses on writing improvement through the practice of writing and reading, with weekly Language Instruction and practice. The final exam consists of three essay questions that measure:
- The students’ ability to compose an argument using written resources and experience to persuade a reader
- To analyze and respond to literary text.
- To analyze and critique a written essay.
English Composition 2
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College Credits: 3
The course objective is to provide knowledge that expands on the principles of writing from English Composition 1, while emphasizing Understanding, Analyzing, and writing about literature with the appropriate use of writing process, thesis, content, organization, purpose, and audience.
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College Credits: 3
The academic study of Ethics includes about one-third theory and two-thirds practice. The theories and concepts of ethics have been historically fostered by major theorists who employ philosophical design to form ethical principles for application. Ethical theories, moral concepts, judgments and reasoning, meta-ethics (value theory, skepticism, naturalistic fallacy, etc.) and basic ethical concepts will be addressed in the theory portion of the course and final evaluation. Ethical practice questions will deal with corporate/business, social, personal, environmental, medical and professional issues and are among the majority of those facets which are evaluated in the end. Ethics is not a study of “black and white” sets of issues; rather, students must be able to apply ethical theory, concepts, knowledge and skill to a variety of situations.
Fundamentals of Public Speaking
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College Credits: 3
This course provides a comprehensive and practical overview of core concepts in public speaking. Units emphasize ethical, social, and theoretical considerations of public speaking; audience analysis; research; presentation and language style; purpose of public speaking; speech structure and organization; speech delivery and reception. The course culminates in the final exam and a final speech delivered and written by the student.
Health and Human Development
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College Credits: 3
This course provides a comprehensive overview of core concepts in health and human development. Emphasis is placed on health, wellness, and the mind/body connection; human development and relationships; substance use and abuse; fitness and nutrition; disease and disease prevention; safety, consumer awareness, and environmental concerns. Basic understanding of anabolic steroids, over the counter medications, dependency/addiction and societal effects are examined.
History of United States 1: Early Colonization to 1877
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College Credits: 3
This course covers the period of United States history from early European colonization to the end of Reconstruction, with the majority of focus on the period of 1790 through 1877. In the part covering the seventieth and eighteenth centuries, emphasis is placed on British colonies. The following topics are included in this course: political institutions, political developments, behavior and public policy, social developments, economic developments, cultural and intellectual developments, and diplomacy and international relations.
Introduction to Anthropology
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College Credits: 3
Anthropology is the logical investigation of human diversity that occurs over time. In an effort to understand ourselves as human beings, we use the principles and methods of science to examine the evolutionary origin, and the physical nature of man. This is the branch of anthropology known as physical anthropology. Because man is a culture-producing animal, we use the principles and methods of social and behavioral sciences to examine history, geology and archaeology, and the many specific varieties of human expression that contribute to culture. This branch of anthropology is called cultural anthropology. In this course students will study physical anthropology, topics in cultural anthropology, including archaeological anthropology, and linguistic anthropology. We will also explore the history of anthropology and topics that relate to anthropology in modern culture.
Introduction to Humanities
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College Credits: 3
Humanities is the study of human culture. For this reason this course is very broad in scope and covers poetry, prose, art history, philosophy, music, theater, architecture, film, and dance. This course will provide the student with the broad frameworks, within which, enduring questions of existence, relationships, values, and aesthetics can be examined. The students must demonstrate their knowledge of facts (names, works); understand and interpret literary passages and art works; recognize medium, style, writer’s characteristics and other techniques. Students must show their understanding of humanities by interpreting works of art, recalling specific information, and applying concepts. Concepts from the disciplines studied in this course are going to be integrated with contemporary American culture.
Introduction to Macroeconomics
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College Credits: 3
Economics is the study of how best to allocate scarce resources among competing users. Its study can be divided into two parts, microeconomics and macroeconomics. Microeconomics is concerned with the individual agents operating within the economy, inclusive of households, individual workers and businesses and how they use the scarce resources available to them. It looks at the economy from the bottom-up. Macroeconomics, however, looks at the economy as a whole; or from the top-down. In more technical terms, macroeconomics studies the factors that influence aggregate demand and aggregate supply. Our focus will be on studying and understanding the macroeconomy.
This course is designed as an introductory survey of the economic concepts that are commonly used in understanding economic issues at the aggregate, or national level. The emphasis is on examining the overall functioning of the economy, exploring and understanding such phenomena as gross domestic product, national income, unemployment, inflation, the business cycle, as well as the fiscal and monetary policy tools that can be used to achieve a desired economic objective. In addition, the course will provide a basic understanding of international economics, with a focus on exchange rates, international trade and balance of payment dynamics.
Introduction to Microeconomics
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College Credits: 3
This course provides a comprehensive overview of core concepts in Microeconomics. Emphasis is placed on basic economic concepts such as: the interactions of supply and demand in any market; the nature and functions of product markets and input factor markets; the theory of consumer choice; the analysis of firm behavior under different market structures; the impact of market failure on social welfare; and the positive and negative potential of government tax and regulatory policy.
Introduction to Philosophy
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College Credits: 3
This course covers the nature of philosophy, ethics, political philosophy, metaphysics, human nature, contemporary philosophy, and world philosophy. The material is organized by the major concepts, questions, and movements discussed by philosophers since the ancient Greeks and before, beginning in 1500 B.C. Events that are contemporaneous with major philosophers are related to the material as well. Ancient world philosophy and modern thinking relevant to our lives today are also explored.
“The feeling of wonder is the mark of the philosopher, for all philosophy has its origins in wonder.” Plato’s statement about the nature of philosophy and the philosopher provides us with a starting point for examining philosophy as a subject and as an activity.
The first scientists were pre-Socratics who looked for tangible explanations for physical phenomena rather than explaining those phenomena by referring to the activities of the gods and goddesses in another world. Every area of knowledge we now possess began in the wonder of those early first natural philosophers. If the tree is a good metaphor for knowledge creation, the roots were truly the first philosophical ideas.
We can all learn to be philosophical and to make rational choices and decisions about our daily activities as individuals. Respecting each other’s rights and fulfilling our duties to each other can make a better world.
Introduction to Sociology
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College Credits: 3
This course focuses on five major areas: institutions (family, educational, political, economic, communications); social stratification (mobility, power, race and ethnic relations, gender, and aging); social patterns (demography, geography, and community); social processes (groups, change, socialization, culture, and roles); and the history of sociology and sociological theory. Theoretical approaches surrounding significant topics in the field of sociology are provided; research methods in Sociology are introduced. Basic concepts are defined; examples of abstract ideas are offered.
Introduction to World Religions
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College Credits: 3
This course measures knowledge and understanding of indigenous and major world religions, historically as well as socially. From ancient native religions around the world to major current radical religious movements, this course spans millennia full of religious rituals, cultures, developments and shifts. Major content areas include religious frameworks (types of expression, structures, personal beliefs, definitions, and phenomena); sociological, psychological and philosophical perspectives; religious traditions and historical development; and comparative analysis of religious narratives around the globe. Religions covered include primal and indigenous religions, Hellenic and Roman Traditions, Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Shinto, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Sikhism, and the Baha’i Faith. Participants will not only become well-prepared for assessment but will also be enriched by a cornucopia of religious traditions, backgrounds and evolutionary developments throughout the history of humanity.
Life and Teachings of Apostle Paul
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College Credits: 3
This course provides a comprehensive overview of core concepts the Apostle Paul’s life and ministry. Emphasis is placed on major events in the Bible; the Gospels and the message of Christianity; The conversion of Saul of Tarsus; the writings of Paul; the ministry of Paul; and Paul’s legacy.
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College Credits: 3
This course provides a comprehensive overview on the foundational concepts of nutrition and clinical dietary principles. This course is a tailored introduction to nutrition for students who are pursuing careers or further education in public health, nursing, and other allied health fields. Emphasis is placed on the following core topics: overview of nutrition; macronutrients; water and micronutrients; physiology of nutrient utilization; and consequences of energy balance.
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College Credits: 3
This course provides a comprehensive overview of foundational concepts in Pathophysiology. Emphasis is placed on the following core topics: cell biology; hematology; the cardiovascular and respiratory systems; the renal system and fluid/electrolyte mechanisms; neurology and the musculoskeletal systems; the gastrointestinal system and nutrition; the endocrine and reproductive systems; and clinical applications related to various systems.
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College Credits: 3
The goal of Pharmacology is to understand how different pharmacotherapeutic agents play a role in treating diseases from an integrated physiological pharmacological perspective. In addition, we examine how these therapeutic concepts are applied to patient care, where we address the role of nurses in developing a comprehensive approach to the clinical application of drug therapy by implementing the nursing process. Since personalized medicine is an emerging area of medical practice, emphasis will be given on the principles of pharmacogenomics and pharmacokinetics. Finally, focus will be on concepts of safe medical practices through advances in information technology.
Substance Abuse
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Prerequisites: None
College Credits: 3
This course provides a comprehensive overview of substance abuse and addiction. The course examines the biological, psychological, and societal effects of the addictive process. Emphasis is placed on diagnosis, screening, and neurological factors affecting the major substances of abuse as well as the history, prevention, and treatment of addiction. The use of different treatment modalities is explored and the dynamics of co-occurring mental and addictive disorders.
Western Civilization I: Ancient Near East Through 1648
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College Credits: 3
This course provides a comprehensive overview of core concepts in Western Civilization through 1648. Emphasis is placed on Ancient Near East, Ancient Greece and Hellenistic Civilization; Ancient Rome; Medieval History; Renaissance and Reformation; Early Modern Europe. Students will be given a basic understanding of world events from 8000 B.C.E. to 1648, and students will be able to analyze political, religious, and cultural developments in early western civilization.